Monday, December 21, 2009

Wrapped in Mystery

This is going to seem specifically targeted towards the extreme fanatic of a certain ABC primetime program.  In a way it is, but it can be applied towards any number of items.  It's only as restricted as your imagination! 

As is the case every Christmas, my brother and I skip the idea of surprising one another with a gift and buy exactly what the other sibling has requested.  It is a foolproof method that eliminates both disappointment and curiosity simultaneously from our gift exchange. 

We both share a love for the TV show Lost, and the 5th Season was recently released on DVD.  It seemed the perfect gift for him to give me.  Due to a timing issue, I had to be the one to purchase it.  When it was delivered, I knew I would need to wrap it in order to have something to open from him on Christmas.  It felt a little silly to be wrapping my own gift, so I decided to have some fun with it. 

I've been trying to be green with my gift wrapping this year.  I have used gift bags from Christmas past, baskets, stockings and even newspaper.  With ribbons, bows, feathers and other eclectic scraps of material, it is possible to make any wrapping look festive.  As I was cutting my way through the local paper, an ad with a bunch of bold green numbers caught my eye, and the wheels started turning!  Only a Lost viewer would understand the significance of numbers to the show's plot, but it seemed "fated" for me to use them in my package presentation. ;) A green ribbon added the right amount of Christmas cheer to the finished product.   Lost may be full of mystery, but it's no mystery what's inside that box!  It is a little cheesey, but that seems to be what's called for when you are wrapping your own gift.

However this method could work in any situation.  If you want to give your loved one an inkling about what might be inside the box you've given them, include a hint in your wrapping.  If you bought them Desperate Housewives on DVD, design a snowwoman holding an apple on the gift tag.  Did you buy your little cousin his first Swiss Army Knife?  Use red wrapping paper and a white ribbon to cross the present.  There are a million ways to provide clues that can either whisper or shout the contents of any package.  Have fun with it!

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